Gains made in group need to be taken out into the world.
Child & Adolescent Groups
Group Structure
Our group structure is simple. We begin our sessions with our group members talking together and sharing concerns about real events in their lives. Then, the children share snacks and interact in an array of structured activities. Our groups end with a cooperative cleanup and the shared decision-making process of choosing a snack together for the next week’s session.
Each group session becomes more substantive and meaningful as children continue to make choices by consensus regarding what we talk about and do together. Weekly group decision-making processes helps encourage and develop a true respect for differences and learning styles.
As group therapists, we help children understand their strengths and weaknesses. We help them learn how they impact the rest of their group and, lastly, how to compromise without losing respect.
Our groups provide a safe environment in which positive relationships can form as well as encourage children to form a healthy curiosity about themselves and others. Over time, our group members learn how to effectively resolve developmental issues, enhance their self-esteem and build positive relationship models.
Developing the following capabilities is integral to our group work:
Forming an accurate appraisal of one’s feelings, thoughts and behavior
Managing Feelings
Learning frustration tolerance, self-regulation and impulse control
Gaining the ability to express one’s needs with the needs of others
Managing Stress
Increasing the capacity to persevere in the face of conflict and challenge
Effective Communication
Learning to use direct and accurate self-expression and the capacity to accept the same from others
Developing awareness and a true interest in caring about others
Personal Responsibility
Becoming open to change and honesty
- Each group includes 6 – 8 members, whose ages range within two years of one another, and 2 therapists.
- Our groups meet for 55 minutes each week.
- Most groups do not meet over the summer.
- Each group has a corresponding parent group which meets regularly at monthly intervals.
- Programs include specific groups for boys and girls grades K – 12.
- 1st/2nd Grade Boys
- 3rd/4th Grade Boys
- 6th/7th Grade Boys
- 8th/9th Grade Boys
- 10th/11th Grade Boys
- 11th/12th Grade Boys